The Tourism Board and Associations
This was created in 1992 and moved on to call itself The Business and Tourism Board of Llanes in 2002 At the present time it is formed by representatives of the following associations: This association is formed by 23 restaurants and "sidrerias" all around the borough Carrying out the cuisine days : Training workers and employers associated in order to get a better professionalism. Carrying out professional meetings every year. Providing legal advice to the associated members. Being the driving force of the restaurant industry promotion in the distric with the yearly leaflet publication Taking part in every activities with other turístic and cultural associations for the development in Llanes.
Tourism board and tourism associations
The Association of Self-Employed Businessmen and Shopkeepers was founded in 2007 with the purpose of promoting commercial activity in the Council and promoting leisure on the street.
Tel. 985401485-117